Dank je wel


My mini Photo exhibition was closed last week. Thank you for your supports.
This is my new work by film photography with the newest camera PENTAX17. It was very big challenge for me, but I really enjoyed this project. Photo is always fun. Thank you again.


今回の作品は動画にまとめました。ご高覧いただけますと嬉しく存じます。BGM はオランダの風車の音です(笑)

This summer, I revisited my beloved country, the Netherlands, for the first time in four years. I had the opportunity to live there for three years in the past. The way people live their lives so authentically is incredibly inspiring, and they taught me how to truly “enjoy” life. When I come here, I naturally look up, and both my posture and mind align. This time, I stayed at the home of my Dutch friend and photographer, Henk Jan, and captured scenes from everyday life, just as I did when I lived in the Netherlands. I had vaguely thought about photographing Europe with a film camera someday, and the timing of my trip to the Netherlands coincided perfectly with the release of the PENTAX 17. So, I captured my beloved Netherlands on film.
I hope you can feel the atmosphere of the Netherlands through my photos.

今年の夏、4年ぶりに再訪した大好きな国、オランダ。縁があり以前3年間暮らした国。みな自分らしく生きている暮らしぶりがとても刺激的で、人生を「楽しむ」ことを教えてもらいました。ここへくると自然と顔が上へ向き、姿勢とともに心が整います。今回は、友人のオランダ人写真家Henk Janさんのお宅にお世話になり、オランダで暮らしている時と同じように、普通の生活圏で目に写ったものを撮影しました。いつか欧州をフィルムカメラで撮影したいとぼんやりと考えていましたが、渡蘭の時期とPENTAX 17の発売の時期がうまく重なったので、大好きなオランダをフィルムに収めてまいりました。オランダの空気感を感じていただければ幸いです。

Best regards, Michi Shiraishi

感謝を込めて 白石みち